
Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Collège Sainte-Anne Campus!

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Collège Sainte-Anne Campus!

Pelletée de terre CSA 4 juin 2021

On June 9th, the construction of the new Collège Sainte-Anne campus (preschool, elementary and high school buildings) officially began! The two buildings, with their human architecture, will offer a learning environment conducive to creativity and collaboration. They are aiming for a #CarbonZero certification and will open their doors in time for the start of the 2022 school year.

We are extremely proud to be in consortium with Atelier Pierre Thibault for this project of unique schools with innovative pedagogy, which will train the confident, committed and conscious citizens of tomorrow. Institutions at the forefront that will inspire others to metamorphose, to adapt to tomorrow’s challenges, but above all to build a more human future that respects the uniqueness of each individual.

Find out more about the project here.

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